Schola Nova has been organizing music courses for several years. The school offers a programme of music courses outside of school hours. Musical studies demand a high degree of commitment from children from an early age. At Schola Nova, such studies are encouraged and facilitated through the presence of the numerous professional musicians involved in the life of the school. Many former pupils have gone on to study music at higher education level.
We offer, for pupils who so wish, and by agreement with their parents and teachers, an education adapted to the requirements of the entrance exams to the Royal Conservatories and the musical higher education institutions. For beginners or false beginners, we offer "à la carte" courses.
Schola Nova offers, outside of school hours, free language courses open to all:
Every year, Schola Nova organizes one or more school trips within Europe (Aachen, Florence, Istanbul, Moscow, Naples, Paris, Prague, Rome, etc.).
Exchanges and twinning arrangements with other Greco-Latin schools permit pupils to go and study for a few months or weeks in another country during or after their studies at Schola Nova.