Schola Prima

Schola Nova also organizes primary education (basic), within its "Schola Prima" programme. Pupils take the examen cantonal at the end of this primary stage, with a view to obtaining the C.E.B. (Certificat d'Etudes de Base; Basic Education Certificate).

The educational project

Schola Prima is organized in one single group (sometimes split in two) gathering pupils from 3rd to 6th-year primary.
They have lessons in the morning, and three afternoons per week; they receive quality general teaching, and their weekly programme is enriched by 5 hours of Dutch using the immersion method, taught by a native Dutch speaker, as well as one hour of initiation to Latin in preparation for the Greco-Latin humanities programme.

The stimulating work in small groups makes it possible to follow each child in accordance with his or her potential and the different levels within the same class, creating a competitive context that is beneficial to all.

The children are not given homework as such, but only some material to be learned where it is deemed necessary. A good deal of room is left for creativity: artistic activities are encouraged (courses in drawing, music, etc.), and a long-term collective project is developed each year (preparing and putting on a play, writing a short story, performing a poetry show, etc.).


Classes begin every morning at 9 o’clock.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, school ends at 12:45; on other days at 3:30.
On Friday afternoons, pupils who so wish may participate in drama activities.

CoursE Prima 3 Prima 4 Prima 5 Prima 6
French 7 7 7 7
Mathematics 7 7 7 7
Biology, Geography, History, Music 4 4 4 4
Initiation to Latin 1 1 1 1
Dutch (immersion) 4 4 5 5
Drawing and plastic arts workshop 1 1 1 1
English 0 0 1 1
Reading 1 1 0 0
Titulariat 1 1 1 1