
The school is open to all.


The school fees are 450 € per month (10 times per year), and administrative costs (75€, once a year).

Reductions families:

  • 2 children : total amount minus 12%
  • 3 children : total amount minus 22%
  • 4 children : total amount minus 34%

This sum covers the teaching programme (28h/week) and intra-mural group extra-curricular activities, as well as part of the cost of school equipment. 
Payment of a guarantee (fees of 2 months) constitutes confirmation of registration.

The Humanitas Europae foundation  offers each year a limited number of study grants to Belgian or foreign pupils aged 12 to 18 who study Latin and Ancient Greek.
The Humanitas Europae foundation also offers grants to pupils who wish to continue their classical studies in another country after completion of their secondary education at Schola Nova.

Contact Humanitas Europæ 

Schola Nova’s account number:
IBAN : BE54 0682 2078 8797 


Classes begin every morning at 9 o’clock.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, school ends at 12:45; on other days at 4:25.
On Friday afternoons, pupils who so wish may participate in a drama or artistic workshop from 1:30 to 3:30.

Course Grex I Grex II Grex III Grex IV Grex V
Latin grammar 4 5 5 4 4
Living Latin [1] 5 2 1 1 1
Greek - 5 4 4 4
Maths [2] 4 4 4 4 4
French 4 4 4 4 4
Parsing 1 - - - -
History [3] 3 3 2 2 2
Biology & Chemistry 1 1 2 2 2
Physics - - 1 1 1
Dutch [4] 3 3 2 2 2
English - - 2 2 2
Reading [5] 1 - - - -
Geography in Dutch 1 - 1 - -
Philosophy - - - 1 1
Rhetoric - - - - 1
Tutoring 1 - - - -

[1]  The Latin course is divided in two parts:
 – A spoken Latin course based on the Orberg and Assimil methods (CD made by the pupils). The learning of both spoken and living Latin facilitates the understanding of the language and makes the literature more accessible.
 – The Latin grammar course is along traditional lines.


[2] The mathematics course follows the 'mathematics 6 hours a week' course, which covers the learning of traditional and modern maths.

[3] The history courses follow the timeline: Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia in the first year; Rome in the second year; Middle Ages (in Latin) in the third year; Modern Era in the fourth year; Contemporary Era in the fifth year.

[4] The students are grouped by level instead of classes. The most advanced have a course in Dutch (aardrijkskunde-Geography ; kunstgeschiedenis-Art history)

[5A course in the reading of great works, aimed at the development of memory, imagination and general knowledge:

  • Homer’s Odyssey and The Knights of the Round Table in the first year.